Friday, January 14, 2011

Go figure, I move to a foreign country and life is essentially the same.

I don't know why I thought our lives would be so interesting once we moved but I was wrong. Domesticity is the same no matter what continent you set up shop in. That being's my ramblings for this week in my life.

I'm dealing with the ever present mommy guilt lately. I can't decide if T's shyness is my fault for not socializing him properly, or if it's some big karmic joke to get back at me for my shy childhood. Or maybe I got the shy kid because fate knew I could empathize???

So anyway, I looked into preschools for about 2 days and realized that I'm not okay with it, at least not yet, which is good since he can't go until the fall....that whole September birthday thing. We also ran all over Kadena to find info on a toddler gymnastics class that only has classes during naptime so that's out. Then we headed to a trial class at Alligator Steps which is a generic Gymboree. It could have been really fun. The whole having a toddler scale me like he's got a tiger chasing him and my arms have the magical anti-tiger force field kinda sucked. I never thought I would have to clarify that I'm not a jungle gym.

Thankfully the lapsit program at the library went a little better. He looked the leader in the eye (!) and took a tambourine and returned it...all on his own. This should not be monumental but it is. So I think we'll stick with lapsit and ease him into the whole group activity thing, move on to Alligator steps and see how he does. I just don't want to dump him in preschool and say "Good luck.....with that." I think it makes sense, especially since preschool is really just a test to see if he would be happier in traditional school or homeschooling.

I also joined the book club at the library. I like books.

Other than that we haven't done much that's exciting. Well actually Josh and I filled out these "emotional needs questionnares" which was really awesome. It's like a report card on your spouse ability. It's hard for me to get Josh to tell me what he needs more or less of from me but I guess being able to write it and rate it on scale works for him.

Sorry for no pictures. I'll remedy that later.


  1. Where did you find the emotional needs things? That sounds like a great thing to do with my husband because he hates to talk about feelings, but I am always wondering what he needs from me.
    And don't worry about your shy kiddo, he'll outgrow it eventually. My oldest was painfully shy, and she is finally outgrowing that at almost 8. Some kids just take longer than others to become social people. I'm sure it's nothing you did or are doing wrong.


    It's a pdf there.
