I wanted to do something fun to celebrate our Japanniversary so we booked a weekend in the cabins at White Beach. We've stayed at Marine Corp and Air Force recreation cabins before but this was our first Navy one. We plan to try the Army ones as well!

The cabins are basically up on a cliff. The view, does not suck. There are a lot of options of where to stay here. You can camp for real, like in a tent. They also have Rv campers and then the cabins, and some hotel type rooms.

We really liked our cabin. The only complaint is there's nowhere to really sit. The kitchen chairs aren't very comfy to sit in for very long and even I was too tall to sit on the bunk beds comfortably. On the plus side, it had a bathroom and a kitchenette. I'm a big fan of not walking through the woods at night to pee.

This little gecko was the only wildlife we found inside the cabin. I appreciate that. Getting here kind of sucked because we got really ridiculous directions. We took a much more direct way to get back. They also sent us on a bit of a goose chase to get our key. All of that annoyance melted away the next morning when I woke up and looked outside.

This is the view from our porch. Not too shabby at all. I spent all of T's nap just hanging in a rocking chair alone with my thoughts. It was perfect. The sun was warm but the porch kept me in the shade and there's a constant ocean breeze. There were butterflies flitting about and the birds were singing. There was this huge fishing boat out smack dab in the middle of the water and I just watched it and sat there with my thoughts. It was so peaceful.

The not so fun part about being up on a cliff is that it's a long way down. There were some serious staircases to contend with.

Luckily Josh found this creature along the way which distracted me from my paranoia of falling down these stairs.

Tombs...you just can't get away from 'em.

The beach was basically deserted in front of the cabins. Most people were on the other side. T took a bag I crocheted for him and filled it up with the biggest rocks he could carry. He's adorable. He grimaces and grunts like he's about to break his back carrying these rocks around.

Josh was busy finding crabs as usual. Thomas tends to keep his distance.

I hunted seaglass and actually found quite a bit. I helped T collect rocks too.

Right at the corner between the RV's and the cabins there are two playgrounds and some pavilions, "porch" swings, and benches. There was also volleyball nets and putt putt. You could rent boats or snorkel gear too.

Thomas was freaked out about this turtle. He kept trying to push it out of the water. He just felt awful that it was stuck. Too cute.

After T's nap it was low tide so we could walk out to the little islands and check out the tidepools. It's crazy how far out the tide goes.

We saw lots of blue fish, and other things like sea slugs and other disgusting creatures.

I just like the blue fish.

Thomas spotted a crab on his own, and he was so excited he clapped for himself.

When we got back from the tidepools, The Little Mermaid was on tv. Talk about perfect timing!
Next time we go we're not going to eat out at all. The restaurants there suck. I mean, they were really awful unless you just want fried crap which is pretty hard to screw up.
These next two pictures are the view from a pagoda at the highest point in the cabin area. It's beautiful up there.

I think this last picture looks fake, but I swear it's real. I took it this morning! We really do wish a lot of you were here with us!
The cabins are basically up on a cliff. The view, does not suck. There are a lot of options of where to stay here. You can camp for real, like in a tent. They also have Rv campers and then the cabins, and some hotel type rooms.
We really liked our cabin. The only complaint is there's nowhere to really sit. The kitchen chairs aren't very comfy to sit in for very long and even I was too tall to sit on the bunk beds comfortably. On the plus side, it had a bathroom and a kitchenette. I'm a big fan of not walking through the woods at night to pee.
This little gecko was the only wildlife we found inside the cabin. I appreciate that. Getting here kind of sucked because we got really ridiculous directions. We took a much more direct way to get back. They also sent us on a bit of a goose chase to get our key. All of that annoyance melted away the next morning when I woke up and looked outside.
This is the view from our porch. Not too shabby at all. I spent all of T's nap just hanging in a rocking chair alone with my thoughts. It was perfect. The sun was warm but the porch kept me in the shade and there's a constant ocean breeze. There were butterflies flitting about and the birds were singing. There was this huge fishing boat out smack dab in the middle of the water and I just watched it and sat there with my thoughts. It was so peaceful.
The not so fun part about being up on a cliff is that it's a long way down. There were some serious staircases to contend with.
Luckily Josh found this creature along the way which distracted me from my paranoia of falling down these stairs.
Tombs...you just can't get away from 'em.
The beach was basically deserted in front of the cabins. Most people were on the other side. T took a bag I crocheted for him and filled it up with the biggest rocks he could carry. He's adorable. He grimaces and grunts like he's about to break his back carrying these rocks around.
Josh was busy finding crabs as usual. Thomas tends to keep his distance.
I hunted seaglass and actually found quite a bit. I helped T collect rocks too.
Right at the corner between the RV's and the cabins there are two playgrounds and some pavilions, "porch" swings, and benches. There was also volleyball nets and putt putt. You could rent boats or snorkel gear too.
Thomas was freaked out about this turtle. He kept trying to push it out of the water. He just felt awful that it was stuck. Too cute.
After T's nap it was low tide so we could walk out to the little islands and check out the tidepools. It's crazy how far out the tide goes.
We saw lots of blue fish, and other things like sea slugs and other disgusting creatures.
I just like the blue fish.
Thomas spotted a crab on his own, and he was so excited he clapped for himself.
When we got back from the tidepools, The Little Mermaid was on tv. Talk about perfect timing!
Next time we go we're not going to eat out at all. The restaurants there suck. I mean, they were really awful unless you just want fried crap which is pretty hard to screw up.
These next two pictures are the view from a pagoda at the highest point in the cabin area. It's beautiful up there.
I think this last picture looks fake, but I swear it's real. I took it this morning! We really do wish a lot of you were here with us!
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