We've spent more than six months going through the process of getting T evaluated for speech therapy and it's still dragging on so I figured I may as well just jump in and start preschool at home. We are still very seriously considering homeschooling so it's a fun way to sort of test it out. We're keeping it casual and fun, because he is only 3 after all!
This week we're learning about caterpillars and working on the number 3. He loves this little magnet game above.
We also made a Very Hungry Caterpillar. I didn't take a picture of the finished product but it's pretty cute!
This is his C is for Caterpillar coloring page. He doesn't really color anything though, he just makes lots of circles. Whatever floats his boat!
This is our little school area. We move the little marker from day to day on the calendar and we check out the weather as well. He loves the weather cards and always tells us when it's raining or windy or whatever. That shelf is where we keep our books of the week. He was very excited to see bug books on that shelf this week.
It's been really fun to see what sort of things he likes to do and what books he likes. He much prefers books with real pictures as opposed to cartoons and he has a deep love of anything that involves dry erase markers. He gets out the eraser and says "I clean?" It's adorable. I'm a little biased.
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