We've been busy lately! We celebrated our 5th anniversary tonight and now my boys are asleep so I'm uploading pictures. I love pictures. Of course the pictures aren't in order but whatever.
Thomas got a couch. We went to the furniture store for a bookcase and ended up getting this as well. He loves it. He thinks it's hilarious to lay it out and pretend he's sleeping.

Thomas got a couch. We went to the furniture store for a bookcase and ended up getting this as well. He loves it. He thinks it's hilarious to lay it out and pretend he's sleeping.
This was an idea I saw on pinterest and the box from the bookcase was perfect for it. I set this up while he was at school. It had been a rough start that day and I felt awful so I wanted to have this set up for him when he got home.
This is the first schoolwork he has brought home. I'll probably keep it forever. The first day of school was pretty rough on me, and the first day of him taking the bus was worse for the both of us but he did wonderfully after that first day. I think he was just confused about what was going on.
We've kept going with our preschool activities. He's only in real school two mornings a week.
We were learning about the letter D (is for dinosaur) or sinodaur if you're Thomas.
He gave all the dinosaurs rides on the train.
We also did a drop box for him. Lot of different shapes and sizes of holes for him to drop different items into. Then he would dump out the box and sort everything out again.
He loves do a dot markers.
This week we're doing V is for Valentine's Day.
It's been so much fun trying all of these new activities with him and watching him figure things out and think his actions out. It's so hard for me not to direct him too much but I'm trying really hard to just let him explore on his own. He always impresses me when I stay out of his way.
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