We decided to go adventuring today with the requirement that Thomas be allowed to run. Homeboy needs to let out some energy. So we chose the Cape Zanpa lighthouse, it has walking trails and a killer staircase to get to the top.

This ginormous shisa dog was the cue that you've arrived.

It was a pretty quick walk to the lighthouse, even with my child's fascination with anything that's on the floor. One of these days he's going to pick up something disgusting.
We knew we were getting close when we started getting misted with salt water. I immediately hovered over my camera to protect it....because you know, I have priorities.
This picture is the antagonizing poster inside of the lighthouse. You are here, very far from the top, are you tired yet? The stairs are pretty steep and I was very quickly reminded of how out of shape I am. I did take solace in the fact that everyone else we saw was out of breath too.
One bonus of the stairs was that I had the perfect excuse to bust out my new Japanese word. Dozo=go ahead, So when a Daddy and a teeny tiny baby were coming down we both did the hand wave thing at each other, but then I said, dozo, and he smiled really big and said arigato! That pretty much made my day. A miniscule interaction in Japanese. Woot!
This lighthouse is NOT a suicide tower. These nets will stop you.

And a picture of the lighthouse itself. It doesn't look nearly as impressive in this picture, but it's on top of a cliff, so the view is amazing.

Nope. Not terrifying at all.


I wish I had thought to get some people in those shots, just as a scale reference. It is not a short drop. ETA: I did get people, lol, see behind Josh and I, those little white dots? Those are people.

Thomas was thrilled. No fear at all. He kept saying "WOW" and pointing at the water.

Me on the other hand....not so thrilled about the height and wind up there. (Side note, my chalazion is getting smaller. Here's hoping it goes completely away soon.)

We were only at the top for about 2 minutes tops. I was seriously freaked out about T's no fear attitude. So we went in search of the animals. Josh found them. He's a good Daddy that way. Thomas went bananas. He was SO excited. Every time this little bunny would take the carrots he would clap and squeal. T's reaction to animals is to scream at an incredibly high pitch...it's awful.

He kept proclaiming all the goats were cows. I blame that on the weird drawings in Sarah Boynton's books.
So this next picture cracks me up. I mean...did we really need the pile of poop in the picture? Because I mean, goats don't generally smell very fresh as it is. Just say no dogs allowed, we'll understand. Also, the little girl on the stairs, kneeling down feeding an animal under the stairs...who is also wearing some very adult heels?

The goats were vicious. Little bastards, especially the ones with horns. There was a lot of headbutting going on..over carrots and cabbage. How sad. I had a chat with this guy. We were out of food so I asked him if I could take his picture. He answered me by grunting and looking away. So I told him he was a pretty goat, he grunted again and went to go stand on the top of his mountain.

Once we were out of rude goat food we went walking and T was pretty excited about this boat. I have no idea what it's supposed to be, there's nowhere to play on it or anything.

We were ready to leave so we hit up the store for some soft serve to enjoy on the ride home. The inside of the store held some weird children. Pineapple babies?

Kewpie in a pickle? What kind of drugs is this baby on that her pupils are that large?

And my husband, being the lovebug that he is, snuck me my favorite candy here. I lurve this stuff.

Then we went to the ticket restaurant for dinner and now we're home. Josh and Thomas took a bath that ended with Josh yelling "Mommy, we've got a code brown. CODE BROWN!" Parenthood is great huh?
This ginormous shisa dog was the cue that you've arrived.
It was a pretty quick walk to the lighthouse, even with my child's fascination with anything that's on the floor. One of these days he's going to pick up something disgusting.
This picture is the antagonizing poster inside of the lighthouse. You are here, very far from the top, are you tired yet? The stairs are pretty steep and I was very quickly reminded of how out of shape I am. I did take solace in the fact that everyone else we saw was out of breath too.
One bonus of the stairs was that I had the perfect excuse to bust out my new Japanese word. Dozo=go ahead, So when a Daddy and a teeny tiny baby were coming down we both did the hand wave thing at each other, but then I said, dozo, and he smiled really big and said arigato! That pretty much made my day. A miniscule interaction in Japanese. Woot!
And a picture of the lighthouse itself. It doesn't look nearly as impressive in this picture, but it's on top of a cliff, so the view is amazing.
Nope. Not terrifying at all.
I wish I had thought to get some people in those shots, just as a scale reference. It is not a short drop. ETA: I did get people, lol, see behind Josh and I, those little white dots? Those are people.
Thomas was thrilled. No fear at all. He kept saying "WOW" and pointing at the water.
Me on the other hand....not so thrilled about the height and wind up there. (Side note, my chalazion is getting smaller. Here's hoping it goes completely away soon.)
We were only at the top for about 2 minutes tops. I was seriously freaked out about T's no fear attitude. So we went in search of the animals. Josh found them. He's a good Daddy that way. Thomas went bananas. He was SO excited. Every time this little bunny would take the carrots he would clap and squeal. T's reaction to animals is to scream at an incredibly high pitch...it's awful.
He kept proclaiming all the goats were cows. I blame that on the weird drawings in Sarah Boynton's books.
So this next picture cracks me up. I mean...did we really need the pile of poop in the picture? Because I mean, goats don't generally smell very fresh as it is. Just say no dogs allowed, we'll understand. Also, the little girl on the stairs, kneeling down feeding an animal under the stairs...who is also wearing some very adult heels?
The goats were vicious. Little bastards, especially the ones with horns. There was a lot of headbutting going on..over carrots and cabbage. How sad. I had a chat with this guy. We were out of food so I asked him if I could take his picture. He answered me by grunting and looking away. So I told him he was a pretty goat, he grunted again and went to go stand on the top of his mountain.
Once we were out of rude goat food we went walking and T was pretty excited about this boat. I have no idea what it's supposed to be, there's nowhere to play on it or anything.
We were ready to leave so we hit up the store for some soft serve to enjoy on the ride home. The inside of the store held some weird children. Pineapple babies?
Kewpie in a pickle? What kind of drugs is this baby on that her pupils are that large?
And my husband, being the lovebug that he is, snuck me my favorite candy here. I lurve this stuff.
Then we went to the ticket restaurant for dinner and now we're home. Josh and Thomas took a bath that ended with Josh yelling "Mommy, we've got a code brown. CODE BROWN!" Parenthood is great huh?
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