I have no pictures. That feels wrong.
Anyway, we decided to go to the Halloween party Josh's shop was throwing for the families. Despite it being later than we would normally take T out of the house, PMS and traffic from Hades we actually had a good time. There were people handing out candy around every corner and T started out shy but got over that pretty quickly.
Candy bucket #1: Josh had to force T's hand into the bucket
Candy bucket #2: T kept his eyes on the bucket guy making sure he wasn't doing anything sneaky
Candy bucket #3: No fear at all
Candy bucket #4 Double fisting
He's a genius. Obviously.
He also stuck his hands in the fear factor boxes, colored a pumpkin, and played the games in the scary room. The guys working the event said he was the only kid who wasn't scared in that room. I have no idea why he's so shy with people but he's down with the grim reaper.
Speaking of pumpkins, that one that he colored is the only one we're getting. Two weeks ago there were pumpkins at the grocery store, but they were all gone within the week. Lesson learned, buy pumpkins the second you see them and then devote half of your fridge to them so they'll be carveable before Halloween. It's a good thing T isn't old enough to know he should be carving. It's hard to get excited about Halloween. There is no chill in the air, no changing leaves, no signs advertising hayrides and pumpkin patches. I am more excited about taking T trunk or treating now that I know he won't be shy asking for candy. Yea. Trunk or treating. Part of me thinks it's cheating, and the mom part is thinking it's the best idea ever!
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