It's right on the seawall so the location is nice and now that it's cooled down it's perfect eating outside weather.
Thomas took this picture, I thought it was pretty artsy, lol.
We ordered Mexican dip....avocado and mayo with some tomato on top is not mexican dip. The Okinawan sweet potato chips were pretty good though.
We also got taco rice. It was about three times the cost of the taco rice we love from Gori's and not anywhere near as good. We should have known better than to order "street food" from a "fancy" place. Although all hope isn't lost and we might go back to try dessert because true to reviews my margarita was delicious.
I love having so many little hole in the wall places to explore in the neighborhood.
Other than that we've just been hanging out at home. We bought a bubble kit that has provided tons of entertainment because Thomas can blow the bubbles himself.
I haven't posted many videos lately so that's for my parents. Enjoy!
Josh called today to let me know he got scheduled to stand duty on Christmas day. At first I was pissed. I'm not going to lie. Why can't a single person with no kids take duty that day? Why does Josh always have duty on weekends or holidays?
Oh now I remember, because if he doesn't go to work things don't get done. He takes on too much and his superiors know he'll get it done so they pile more on. I'm proud....but also sort of mad.
Now I'm over it. At least I have a husband. A loving, funny, non deployed at the moment husband. A healthy baby. Money for gifts we don't need. At least now I have an adult reason to celebrate a day early.
So on and so forth.