Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I didn't sleep well last night.

I haven't blogged. I got a migraine. I've never had one before....and don't really want to ever have one again.

The Korea's are at it again...and that terrifies me. I don't want any shenanigans going on so close to us. I do live right by the flightline...they bomb flightlines right???

Josh has a field op next month, just a week long but I'm bummed about it. I don't think it will matter how long he's in the military it will always be hard to let him walk out the door. The fact that Thomas will be asking "Where dada go??" just makes it harder.

Aside from that I was making mental pro con lists. We've been talking about extending here...basically from day one. I'm the kind of girl who can't just settle for crossing bridges when she reaches them. I want a map and a plan and a back up plan and if at all possible some sort of harness just in case the bridge breaks.

It's not a decision we have to make today but sooner is better. It basically comes down to money vs family. There are other factors of course but those are the two big ones. Josh's salary essentially doubled when we came here. We could save up a sizeable chunk to start our "someday we'll buy a house" downpayment fund. But is it worth it to live sooo far away from all of our loved ones? Skype has been an amazing blessing but it's not enough and it's not like we expect our families to just throw down a grand on a plane ticket to come see us very often. If we request a full 3 year tour they will fly you home for a visit for free....but that's a big commitment.

Whatever. I really need to learn to compartmentalize and tune out all the crap in my head.

I just bought Josh the only surprise Christmas present he'll be getting...now I just have to hope he can't figure it out when he picks up the box at the post office.

1 comment:

  1. The older I get the harder it becomes to compartmentalize and tune out the crap in my head...most of the time I feel like I'm taking extra strength crazy pills.....goodluck girl!!! Most of the time though....those type of major decisions can't be made ahead....God just has a plan....I know...I'm cheezy...:)xoxo
