Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lessons learned.

1. Olive oil and vegetable oil are NOT interchangeable. I don't think I'll be getting a show on the Food Network anytime soon.

2. Always stir vigorously after you let your 2 year old stir for you....or you'll end up with visible egg white ribbons throughout your baked goods.

Does anyone want a piece of the world's worst banana bread??

3. You don't always get what you pay for. I've got a thing for perfume. I have quite a few and I wear it all the time. Josh could care less, but I buy a $10 Bath and Body works spray called Dark kiss and he notices it, mentions it and continues to sniff me. Who knew? Also, the ghetto rigged, double sided tape medal mounting I did, is still holding up and no one noticed at the ball. I'd like to believe it's because I'm amazing...but maybe they were just all distracted by the guy wearing a bunch of medals he didn't earn.

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