My man is in the field and his absence is really highlighting my loner tendencies. Essentially I'm going bananas. It didn't help that for the past three days I couldn't find my car keys. Last night I stayed up till about 2am totally anxiety ridden that someone else had my keys and was planning on breaking in. Yes I'm aware that's completely irrational but I've always been a worrier and it's only magnified since procreating. I probably have some sort of borderline disorder but the thought of taking drugs makes me anxious. It's a vicious cycle.
Of course finding my car keys (in the car!) didn't really do me any good. Driving here still makes me a little nervous. My biggest issue is lane usage. What part of stay in YOUR lane do these people not understand??? It's like those lines on the road are just decoration. Throw in the people who park on the side of the road to hit up the neverending vending machines (no matter how busy that road might be) and figure as long as they're within 3 feet of the curb it's all good. That makes veering into the next lane a requirement. I swear sometimes the Kanji plates TRY to get hit by a Y plate. Maybe they fell on hard times and want some good American gomen nasai? It's sort of an unwritten rule that we (y plates) are always at fault for everything because we don't belong here, therefore if there is an accident it's our fault. This makes me paranoid.
The fact that there is an entire blog dedicated to reporting Y plate driving mistakes is not lost on me. I won't be surprised if I end up on that blog....but it's all their fault! Isn't it sort of weird that you get certain plates based on where you're from? Maybe it's weird because I'm a white girl and have never been discriminated against?
Anyway I did leave the house, because I needed a rolling pin and an unwarped cookie sheet or two. I was also concerned that Thomas was going to threaten to pull a Menendez if he didn't get out soon. Unfortunately there weren't any rolling pins. Why I can buy a chainsaw, or any number of very well stocked swarovski figurines but rolling pins aren't available I'll never know. Thomas was being rather disagreeable while I paced up and down the cooking aisle, so I gave up. I ended up with the last cookie sheet that was less than $20 and the last roll of parchment paper. I really hope no one else wanted any.
On a more positive note we stopped at a playground where no less than three little Japanese girls chased T around and giggled at his shyness.
I'm pretty sure my only saving grace in this country is that small children are basically godlike and having Thomas around gives me a few brownie least with the women folk.
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