First of all, the lights were awesome!! It felt very Disney-esque. I also was glad to be out in December at night time in short sleeve shirts. That will never get old.
It would have been really romantical if we hadn't had a crazed out past his bedtime toddler with us. It seems that once we get close to 7pm he loses all sanity and just starts running in circles.
He did seem to really like the lights though. He pointed out every "fower" or fish and he went nuts when he saw the choo choo train.
The Japanese idea of Christmas doesn't always make much sense to me, but it's sort of a borrowed holiday for them and I guess somethings get lost in translation. There weren't any jingle bells or candy canes or Santa Claus lights, but plenty of Nemo!!!
My favorite part was watching Thomas check out the train. He poked and prodded every wheel and passenger car like he was a little mechanic or something.
If I can make myself forget the headache that was finding a parking space and the screaming from the time we said we had to go until we finally managed to get him in his carseat it would be a great holiday memory. I'm thinking next year might go a little bit better.
Oh, and the warm heart Christmas title was because that was the slogan they had on all of their signs. I thought it was cute.
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