Thomas raced to the balloon cage. He then proceeded to run around in it for at least 20 minutes. He was deliriously happy.
I went in too and it was definitely fun. Just disregard that balloons are supposed to be dangerous and nevermind the extension cord draped over the's all totally legit!
Thomas also enjoyed the ball pits, but got annoyed with constantly falling over.
There were three trampolines in the place and T tried them all out. He still sort of gallop jumps but that doesn't inhibit the amount of fun he has.
He has also really been into hanging from things lately. I'm quite impressed with his strength to be honest. I joke around with Josh that he's been working out with Thomas.
He's basically a monkey. If he had a tail we'd be so screwed.
We did eventually break away from the kid section and went to go play video games. I think this is why we loved this place because not only was it fun for T we had a lot of good times as well.
This game cracks me up. You type to kill the zombies. When they appear they have a name or just a letter and you have to type it before they get to you.
Air hockey with a toddler was pretty pointless.
This was my absolute favorite game. I have no idea why. Probably because I could actually figure it out. A lot of the games we just sort of played with no idea if we were winning or not. This one, you're a sushi chef and little flailing fish show up on the screen and you have to cut them up.
Thomas got bored with the video games and went back to the balloon land so I sat down and checked out the magazines they leave out to entertain parents. They were hilarious. It seems like almost every model had dyed her hair blonde and was wearing colored contacts. They also make really stupid facial expressions. When did it become cool to look like you're picking your teeth or scraping your tongue?
This one made Josh laugh pretty hard...GILFY JELLY? He has a dirty mind.
We were there for over 2 hours when we decided to call it quits. We grabbed some ice cream and paid the tab and before we were home Thomas was totally passed out.
We're so going back to this place. If only so I can maintain my high score on the sushi game. By the time we got home my first attempt at pot roast was smelling wonderful. It's so nice to walk in the door to a warm dinner waiting for you. It was a perfect end to the day.
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