Friday, September 24, 2010

Our favorite farmer's market

This flower has nothing to do with the farmer's market, but my baby picked it for me and I think it's really pretty.

Anyway, we took a trip to our current favorite farmer's market this morning. I remember reading the directions for it, there were phrases like "gorgeous ocean vista" and I figured even if we got lost it would be worth it!
Turns out it's super easy to find, once you see the Okinawa Hollywood sign you know you're getting close!

And then....tadaa! I wonder if I can request a reincarnation to be a mermaid in my next life. That way I can satisfy my urge to spend my life in that beautiful blue water.

After you get to the great view you turn right and you're at the farmer's market. Under the awning are a bunch of hot food stands that smell really good and they play Okinawan traditional's just so different from an American market that it feels new and exciting. Yes, exciting. Produce is the new adrenaline in my world.

Thomas was being a little rambunctious today so I didn't get any good pictures of the inside...not that hard to imagine, lots of produce, exotic plants, and our favorite part...candy! There was also a guy emptying a huge barrel of sprouts and yelling about something...he was entertaining. We went through and picked out the fruit and veggies we wanted and even snagged a new kit kat flavor. At the checkout the cashier tried to hold Thomas but he was NOT having it. If I was in the states I would be seriously wigged out about a stranger trying to hold my baby...but there's just nothing creepy about it here. Strange.
Would you like some sesame seed covered tiny fish? They're pretty cheap!

Now as much as we love fresh, local, produce....we also love fresh, local baked goods. This little bakery is right above the market and we aren't capable of resisting it.

We haven't been disappointed with a single thing we've picked here. Isn't it pretty?

These are the napkin holders at the bakery...why buy? There are perfectly good tomato cans we could use!

We ate our pastries, grabbed our groceries (in a cloth's required here and I like them, they're so strong!) and headed home. As soon as we got in the door Thomas was begging at the bag...he knew there were kit kats in it. Beni imo flavored, it was a light purple and probably the best weird kit kat we've had. Not that I'll be craving it or anything. We bought the five pack so we can start our "send fun candy back home" box.

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