Friday, September 3, 2010

Thanks Mother Nature

There is another big storm headed for us. The island is only 60 miles long, how are all these storms finding us?

The bonus of this is that the four festivals this weekend are postponed due to the impending weather. I'm excited about that because we're going to spend our weekend unpacking and organizing all of our stuff. Our household goods are finally arriving tomorrow! Woohoo! I'm so excited.

And we don't even have to miss the beer festival, or the eisa festival, or marina mania, or the kinser fest. I love this island.

On the more negative side. I have a chalazion. I tried to get a picture of mine, but it's really difficult to get a clear picture of your own eye and Josh is asleep. But it's basically a pimple under my eyelid. It's been there for months now and I just now thought to look it up. So I'm using warm compresses and massaging it and hoping it goes away on it's own. It's not very big so here's hoping that works. The alternative is having it cut out. The idea of needles and clamps and scalpels in my eyelid is just not pleasant.

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