Monday, September 13, 2010

Shoveling during a blizzard...

My dad shovels while it's still snowing. He says it's easier to do twice when it's fresh than to wait for it to pile up. He's a smart guy and he's probably right. That doesn't change the way I feel about organizing Thomas' toys.

It might only be clean for five minutes but there are positives. Thomas rediscovers toys that were buried and now I know what he has and what we have room for with his birthday and Christmas coming up.
What do we have room for? Basically nothing, lol. He has one empty cube, and that's only because we keep a good portion of his books in our nightstand. I guess we're going to implement a one in/one out policy now.

He actually helped me clean up for about 15 minutes. Then we discovered this train puzzle and he said "You're on your own mom, why didn't you tell me we had this?!"

30 minutes later I had to drag him away to get him to eat lunch.

He's precious.

He busted his lip open today. Then he stubbed his toe. After that he hit his head...then he fell down a few times. Needless to say he had an early bedtime tonight.


  1. Aww I just cleaned out Katelyn's play room aka our dining room as well. I put a bunch of stuff in the garage so the newer birthday stuff could be out. Love that T is always in just a cute. I need to take more pics of Katelyn in diapers.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He really is just always in a diaper, lol, it's because he sweats so much at night that we stopped putting pj's on him and then we moved here where it's just too hot and humid to wear clothes!
