Hmm. Things I never thought I would say "My kid threw his binkie in a cave river."
Anyway, we bought 6. By the time we got home at 6:45 he was passed out. So passed out I don't think he even opened his eyes on the three flights up to our door. He just nuzzled in while I held him.
He's wearing his "Looking for a Japanese girlfriend" shirt. I'm noticing my favorite pictures of him sleeping are always on a sheetless bed. Josh and I hate sheets. We put them, we get all tangled up in them and then rip them off our side in a fit of sleepless rage. It's a funny quirk we both have.
I wonder how old he'll be before toe pictures become unacceptable.
So anyway, baby boy was passed out cold and Josh wanted to play on the internet which left me with sitting on the hardwood floor bored out of my mind. I knew there was a reflexology place in the Jusco near us that took walk ins so I decided that some spa time sounded good.
I was right.
When you arrive they ask you what services you would like, you can choose from, hands, feet, back and face. I chose face and feet. I keep stress in my face and I'm going to get wrinkles. According to Josh I already have some. That punk.
Moving right along, they had me sit down and fill out a simple form, they also had me select a tea. There were five options. I chose lemon. I hate tea. It tastes so, just, ummm, errr, disgusting. Yep. That's the word I'm picking. I've had more tea to drink since we got here than I have in my entire life. I drink it to be polite.
Once I selected my tea they had me put my purse and other gear in a basket which they put a bandanna over. Just in case someone was scoping out your stuff I guess.
Mutsado was my...helper? masseuse? reflexologist? I don't know what her title was, but I'd call her perfect. That face therapy was glorious. They do your whole face and head. At first I was sort of fighting the pressure but I reminded myself to just relax and from then on it was so relaxing. She had me sit up and massaged my shoulders as well. The actual reflexology part was pretty cool. It basically felt like a funny massage. They massage your whole leg as part of it and they use those hot towels that I'm such a fan of.
When she was done she brought my cup of tea to drink in my chair and showed me the reflexology chart to show which parts she worked on. Despite it's location inside of a busy retail store they don't rush you at all, nor do they rush through your treatments. It was a great way to destress.
Sometime during my foot treatment I heard it. The drumming. It calls to me. I'm like a moth going towards the light, it just draws me in. I don't know why I have such a pull to it. It's just so beautiful and so different from what I've ever seen. So once I was done with my treatment I followed my ears and found the performance. It was the most elaborate one I've seen yet. They had face paint and crazy hats and banners and flags. It was an unexpected moment. All by myself at night, feeling the beat of the drums vibrate around me. I definitely miss home, but I wouldn't trade this experience for the world.