Today we had better luck, and better directions and thought a donut would be a great start to our Sunday, especially since we were headed to the grocery store and didn't want to buy a ton of crap because we went shopping hungry.
We walked in and I told Josh to just pick a few and hope we liked some. There weren't any English menus so we were choosing blind. That one on the left was my favorite. Very buttery and a little bit sweet. Josh ate the powdered one and didn't let anyone else have a bite. Apparently it was really good. The chocolate covered one wasn't what I expected. The donuts here are way less sweet than at home.
Josh also ate this whole thing by himself. I don't like strawberry, and T was otherwise occupied.
But then there was that wild card green donut. My first thought was Shrek. But I don't know what kind of flavor a Shrek donut would be and if Josh tasted it first and didn't like it then there was no way I would try it at all. So I volunteered.
It was gross and I basically swallowed my bite whole for fear of being rude and fear of having to taste anymore of it than was necessary.
Do you see that filling? Peas. I swear to God. Josh and I both thought it was peas. Even if that's not what it was it's so gross looking. Very exorcist puke inspired eh? That donut only had two bites taken out of it . Although Josh said another lady in the bakery was chowing down on hers.
This was a fun little trip. That's the best part of Japan, even a donut shop can be exciting.
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