So we got to Ocean Expo park and for a minute thought we were in the wrong place, but we checked out a map and realized that we had parked at the south gate, which was the arboretum and the aquarium was at the north gate. I wasn't too excited about an arboretum but the thought of putting Thomas back in his carseat wasn't too thrilling either.
So let's check out the plants!
We got about 5 minutes in when the butterflies started. Every shape, size, color you can imagine. They were practically swarming. It was beautiful!
There were quite a few lookout points on the way. This is Josh, being stupid. I love him.
At some point I spotted this turtle in the road before Josh. That's a major feat. I'm not known for my eagle eyes.
Josh tried to lure him back into the worked. But our little homeboy couldn't get over the curb so Josh helped him.
At some point we got to the Tropical Dream Center. I wish I had my other lens with me because this picture does not do it justice. You walk in and it's just a huge stained glass spiral.
There was a trail around the Dream Center full of exotic plants and fruits.
My beautiful boy and some stunning orchids...what else could I need?
There was a scavenger hunt for kids with little stamping stations. Thomas was quite happy to do the stamping.
This was some sort of tourist attraction. Put your kid on a fake lily pad and take their picture...ok.
Who wants a jackfruit? Anybody? It's as big as a newborn! What the heck is a jackfruit anyway?
Thomas would have gladly fed these fishies all day. They were brutal with each other.
I love this picture. That's the tropical dream center. Pretty neat-o right?
We wanted to see the view from the top...look at those muscles. I know I sure did.
We made it, stroller, limpy mom and all. No pictures of the view though. Sometimes you have to put the camera down and breathe in the moment.
Now we understand the lily pad photo op. These were massive.
SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is one of many that we saw. Hell, this is a small one. It's a banana spider. Not poisonous but they will take a good chunk out of you if you mess with them. I guess there is another variety of banana spider in South America that is really dangerous...but these scary looking ones aren't so bad. That doesn't mean I got any closer than need be!
Tucked away they had a traditional Okinawan village...but to go in you had to take your shoes off, and due to my injuries (or having just seen a big spider) I declined. They had okinawan music piped in though and it was just beautiful.
After the very long, and most times uphill walk through the arboretum we made it the the aquarium! They had topiaries, tons of them. This is my favorite though. An owl, eating a lizard. Circle of life babe.
And a whale shark.
It was hot and Thomas had just chugged his juice so we let him out to cool off in the fountain. It was all going just fine...
and then he did this. He thought it was hilarious by the way. It left his hair in a very funny do for the rest of the day.
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