Thursday, July 29, 2010

My big boy

The past few weeks it seems that Thomas went from baby to big boy.

He will say Thank you without being prompted.
He will go get a diaper and wipes for me, lay down nicely, and then throw it away when I'm done.
He has to help me clean. We got him his own broom and he loves it.
He can open all the doors. (scary!)
He brings me his shoes to go outside.

I guess it's just that he went from being in attendance to being a participant. He's starting to be an active family member, a real person. I'm a big fan. Except of course when being a real person means he doesn't agree with my rules.

Don't run headlong into the ocean.
Don't run into streets.
Don't run in parking lots.
Just stop running unless we're at the park.
Hold my hand. Hold my hand. Do you want me to pick you up? Then hold my hand.
Car seats are mandatory.
Candy is not an acceptable meal.

These are the things we struggle with. I'm picking my battles. It's generally a health/safety issue. But somedays it feels like all we do is go from one tantrum to the next.

I was quite frustrated yesterday when we got home from the grocery store. That's probably why I put a can of soup in a precarious position on a top shelf. It fell. Splattered everywhere. Josh and I cleaned it up and when I was putting the last of it in the trash we looked over to see Thomas with a washcloth wiping the floor.

Frustration gone.

All of those tantrums are just proof that he is healthy and normal and thriving. And also that I need to figure out how to let him have his big emotions and give him opportunities to make decisions, while also managing to buy milk and follow carseat laws.

And speaking of groceries. It's so expensive here. I guess baked potatoes are now in the luxury section of my grocery list.

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