The picture below is what we bought for Thomas today. If I'm being honest, we were buying him off. He's grumpy, and tired and whiny. But then again, so are we. It's not a good combo. So we figured candy would put us all in a better mood. We were right. Emotional eating is super healthy don't ya know??
Anyway, Josh was very excited to come back to Japan for the weird KitKat flavors. He hadn't seen this one before so we decided to try it.
The top one looked really gross in person. Very gray. It tasted exactly like those soda pop caps candies. But in chocolate form....kinda gross. The white tasted like banana laffy taffy with a hint of lemon....again, not so tasty. But fun to try!
We then gave them to Thomas who didn't like them. He did however let the grayish one melt in his hand and then wiped it all over a chair. It was very reminiscent of the color of the "stuff" in two girls/one cup. If you don't know what that is, don't look it up. It's disgusting. Josh and I find odd things to be funny and that had us laughing pretty hard.
In other news. EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!! Holy mother of god. I was sitting there, using a sharpie to look at possible homes for us and everything started moving. By the time I realized what it was it was over. I knew that little quakers happen here on a fairly regular basis but I have never felt anything like that before. I'm in a cement building...those things aren't supposed to move! Thankfully this island's building are made with earthquakes and typhoons in mind. It makes me think twice about hanging out on the balcony though.
I thought this sign was funny. At least until our hotel shook a little bit.
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