Josh seems to be settling into his new shop pretty well. He went from having over 1000 Marines to train, to just under 100. In his words "my life is skate as fuck". Yep. That's what he said. He also said it in a Southern accent. I know it's getting under his skin to be surrounded by certain members of the Navy, and that he has a hard time not being a smart alec, but I'm sure he'll find his place there.
I'm beginning to know my way around the island. It's actually pretty easy but I guess when the average width is only 5 makes it a bit difficult to ever truly get lost. There are so many military areas here. There are six, or maybe seven Marine Corp camps, one Army post and one Airbase. (Those Airmen are so spoiled, they have way nicer everything on their base.) It works out for me though because it's the closest military installation to our house.
Anyway. Josh was in the Okinawa Marine newspaper this week. He's in two of the pictures and they quoted him in it. He was training a Navy unit? battalion? flock? I don't know. Regardless, some of them had never even shot a weapon before. How you make it to O-6 without firing a weapon is beyond me. I'm proud of my man.
Aside from that we bought Thomas a Mr Potato Head. He loves it. It was the only one at the PX too so I'm glad I spotted it.
He was struggling a bit getting the pieces in and out. Hence this face.
Then the shooting started. Suddenly Mr Potato Head's arms were guns. I really don't like this. I don't know where he picked this up. I'm going to have to resign myself to the fact that he is truly his Father's son. There are worse things in life.
Japan sound gorgeous! post more pics! :)