Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Probably the most boring post ever.

"Hey Thomas J, tomtom, little man, what are you doing in the cabinet????"
"I'm hiding mom. Leave me alone."
(Okay so he didn't really say that but he did kind of whine and grunt and close the door)

"Oh okay, sure thing baby."
*Giggles and shrieking*
"You're not very good at this."

In other news, we went to the Farmer's Market. It was freaking awesome. Josh and I are going to attempt a caveman diet. It's a big thing with his crossfit obsession. Basically, no grains, no dairy, no processed crap. Only food that a caveman could eat. So that meant we needed to find fresh produce, preferably organic. There is no way we were going to pay the obscene amounts on base for fruits and veggies that die in two days, and are probably covered in chemicals.

Anyway, we ended up buying,
a bag of carrots,
two dragonfruit,
wax apples,
and green peppers.

For a grand total of about $15. That's a sweet deal.

This is a wax apple. I had high hopes, but it's super tart and I can't take it. Josh liked it.

Josh also thought he would like these. I don't know what they are. They were very gelatinous, and squishy, sort of stress ball like.

Needless to say, they're in the trash now.


  1. YAY for fresh food! You are brave and try way more local foods than I ever would. I am way too picky for Japan! Just the look of those stress ball looking things freaks me out, haha. Keep on posting, no blog post is boring. I LOVE the pic of Thomas hiding with his feet sticking out of the bottom of the cabinet!

  2. Saul loves his crossfit too. He brought up the idea of this diet too but, Zeke and I love beans and we can't give them up! Good luck :)
