Monday, August 2, 2010

It's the little things.

Driving on island is pretty much always an adventure. It's always a fight too. I'm a horrible passenger seat driver. I may as well just record myself telling Josh to slow down. The streets are so narrow and the locals drive so aggressively that I don't think it would hurt to be more cautious. It's not like we're ever going anywhere we could be late to. It's an island...just relax.

I've been telling him that since we got married though and I just don't think it's going to sink in.

We saw this at the Jusco parking lot this weekend. See that flipped over car in the background? That's going to be some big gomen nasai if it's a Y plate that did it. If you get in an accident here you have to go to the family and pay them to say you're sorry. It looks good when you go to court. Gomen nasai means I'm sorry. I might be spelling that wrong. Oh and Americans are Y plates. Although I don't know how stupid you have to be to be going so fast that you can tip a car over in a parking lot.

Remember the beach picture where the lady is covered head to toe? Well here is another example. This is the Darth mask. How do they even see anything?

Curtains. Not just for your home anymore.

Anyway. We had grand plans of going down to Naha for the Eisa festival but we decided that we're tired of festivaling and wanted to stay close to home. So we went to Jusco to buy weird food items and try them out.
This is dragon fruit. It dyed my man pink for a day or two. He ate the whole thing and proclaimed it delicious. I think it's the prettiest thing I've seen someone eat. For $5 a piece it damn well better be.

And passionfruit. Josh devoured the whole thing again. I don't like fruit.

We also tried an unripe mango, didn't realize it was an unripe mango until we got home. I got some yakitori (meat on a stick) but I have no idea what animals they were. One looked like skin and felt really rubbery so I didn't eat that one.

I know I just said that we weren't going out for dinner anymore, but this gorilla cafe is really close to our house and they had a sign for taco rice which Josh has been craving so we stopped. Taco rice and cheese was probably the first thing Josh told me about Okinawa. He was so excited to come back and eat it. It's basically a taco with sticky rice instead of a shell but there are some other ingredients in there. It was freaking good. Like, we took a doggy bag home kind of good.

I don't really understand the marketing, why the gorilla has a Nazi mustache? and a pipe? There is also a dinosaur eating a burger on the truck they make the food in, but they don't sell burgers.

It was fairly priced also which is great and it seemed to be a family affair. A little girl, probably 8 or 9 brought us our drinks and food. It should have been a little awkward but she seemed happy to be helping and Thomas was entranced by her.

Remember the Jusco trip for weird fruit? Yep, these were on clearance. They have little fish on them. Sold. There is a kimono class on base this month. I just might attend if I can get the motivation to drive Josh to work. I also signed up for a Japanese class that starts on Thursday. I'm excited to learn some of the language. Even just a survival level of the language would be so helpful.

Video is completely unrelated. I'm trying to teach T how to play hide and seek. He just doesn't give me much time to hide.

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