Friday, August 27, 2010

September is coming! September is coming!

My child is still very much in his "I love Daddy" phase. So when he started begging me to buzz his head when I buzz Josh's every week....well, I ignored it! His hair was so soft, and he's never had a hair cut before. But the next day he actually went to the bathroom and brought me the clippers and rubbed it on his head and made the sign for more. How could I say no to that?

So I did it. I clipped him. And yes I was creepy enough to keep a tendril or two and shove it in a drawer to eventually be put in a memory book. He sat very still and was excited when he saw hair hit the floor.

I think he looks like a cancer patient. But whatever, it's his hair and it grows back.

Look at these two. Cute aren't they?

This is his new thing, arm crossing. He tries out about ten different positions before he feels he got it right. He usually does this while we're reading to him. It's so grown up.

I wish I had my camera today. Josh dressed Thomas and without noticing he had dressed himself almost identically to his son. They both had on gray t shirts and khaki cargo shorts and sandals. Throw in the bald heads and it looked like they were headed for some cheesy family photos.

I'm excited for next month. Not only are there tons of birthdays to celebrate but I'm hoping we can get out to some more cultural stuff now that we have some idea of what our monthly budget will be. There's a bullfight, beer festival, eisa festival, Japanese tea ceremony, shi shi mai festival, full moon ceremony at Shuri castle....etc etc etc. I'm really hoping we can get to some of these things.

I'm really loving it here. To be honest, aside from Target, I don't really miss at all. I miss family and friends, that's it. The people here are so refreshing to be around. They CARE. About lots of things. Not just themselves and money. I'm hoping we start turning a little Japanese while we're here. Caring more is always good.

1 comment:

  1. Aww what a great pic, one you will keep forever! He wants to be just like Daddy.
