The restaurant was bright orange and had a bistro/cafe kind of feel. Their decorating was a bit random....fake owls anyone?
The view however was very nice. Thomas was very happy to have view of the seawall, where he could point out surfers and people walking their dogs.
The best part though was that the pizza was actually really good. It's all made from scratch and it was delicious. Thomas ate two whole pieces (minus crust) all by himself. He NEVER eats that much so he must have agreed on the taste.
Other than that we haven't done very much, just running errands and everyday stuff. I tried to get a cute picture of Thomas and I, but it was unsuccessful, so this is what I end up with. I was trying to get him to smile. He just kind of looked at me like he felt sorry that this is what I've resorted to.
We bought a blender. It was a great idea. Thomas has been eating fresh fruit smoothies and he doesn't seem to notice the spinach and carrots we put in there too.
This is our neighbors door. Freaks.
We had to pay our bills this month. You pay your electric and gas bills at the local corner stores, we actually set up GI Bill pay so we won't have to do this again but it was kind of fun to do it once. I like the cartoons on our bill. I'm wondering if the moon on the right doesn't mean there are discounted hours to use your electricity.
And to round out the post, some Engrish. "The Calolies from The sushi are indiciated for your benefited". Good to know.
hysterical....I love how you write. I know things are slowing down a little but please dont stop blogging. It makes me feel like I am there with you and I miss you far less. Love you sweetie and your men too.